Yorkshire Regiment War Graves
Yorkshire Regiment Memorials Overseas, -
The Helles Memorial
Yorkshire Regiment War Graves

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The Helles Memorial The Helles Memorial
Photo : Edward Nicholl

The eight month campaign in Gallipoli was fought by Commonwealth and French forces in an attempt to force Turkey out of the war, to relieve the deadlock of the Western Front in France and Belgium, and to open a supply route to Russia through the Dardanelles and the Black Sea.

The Allies landed on the peninsula on 25-26 April 1915; the 29th Division at Cape Helles in the south and the Australian and New Zealand Corps north of Gaba Tepe on the west coast, an area soon known as Anzac. On 6 August, further landings were made at Suvla, just north of Anzac, and the climax of the campaign came in early August when simultaneous assaults were launched on all three fronts. However, the difficult terrain and stiff Turkish resistance soon led to the stalemate of trench warfare. From the end of August, no further serious action was fought and the lines remained unchanged. The peninsula was successfully evacuated in December and early January 1916.

The Helles Memorial serves the dual function of Commonwealth battle memorial for the whole Gallipoli campaign and place of commemoration for many of those Commonwealth servicemen who died there and have no known grave.

The United Kingdom and Indian forces named on the memorial died in operations throughout the peninsula, the Australians at Helles. There are also panels for those who died or were buried at sea in Gallipoli waters. The memorial bears more than 21,000 names.

There are four other Memorials to the Missing at Gallipoli. The Lone Pine, Hill 60, and Chunuk Bair Memorials commemorate Australian and New Zealanders at Anzac. The Twelve Tree Copse Memorial commemorates the New Zealanders at Helles. Naval casualties of the United Kingdom lost or buried at sea are recorded on their respective Memorials at Portsmouth, Plymouth and Chatham, in the United Kingdom.

275 men of the Yorkshire Regiment are commemorated on the Helles Memorial. For further details on each name, select the initial letter on the left to be taken to another page which contains data on men whose surname starts with that letter.
Photos of the panels on which their names are found can be seen below.
Soldiers who originally served in the Yorkshire Regiment, but were serving in another regiment when they lost their lives, are shown in parenthesis, below. e.g. Major Sillery, J J D. The panels on which they are commemorated will be shown on the details (below) for that soldier's name.

Helles Mmemorial - A,B,C

Helles Mmemorial - A,B,C

Helles Mmemorial - A,B,C

Private Allen, F
Private Allport, A
Private Anderson, J
Serjeant Andrews, E
Private Antlett, G
Lieutenant Appleyard, W

Private Bagley, R
Private Baker, A
Private Barker, T
Private Barnard, J
Private Batty, W
Private Beecroft, H L
Private Beer, J A
Private Belcher, W
Private Bennett, R H
Private Blood, W
CSM Blore, W J
Private Blythe, W C
Private Bowers, J
Private Boyd, J
Private Boyle, S
Private Boyle, W
L/Cpl Bridges, C H
Private Brothwood, J W
Private Brown, B
Private Brown, C
Private Brown, J W
Private Brown, M (17166)
Private Brown, M (16662)
Lieutenant Bruce, N M
Private Brunskill, T
Privaye Brunton, J
Private Burke, R
Private Burnett, G E
Private Burnham, E F
L/Cpl Burns, J T

Private Campion, J
Serjeant Canning, W
Private Carter, H
Lieutenant Casley, H de C
Private Catherall, L
Private Chambers, A
Private Charlton, J
Private Clark, J E
Private Clark, W
CSM Clemens, A
L/Cpl Clift, G
Private Coates, H
Corporal Cooper, W B
Serjeant Cooper, W T
Private Copestake, D
Serjeant Coulthard, W
Private Covell, E
Private Cowley, J
Corporal Crabtree, W N
Private Craddock, J W
L/Cpl Crane, G
Serjeant Craven, A V
L/Sjt Craven, S G
Private Crossman, F T
Captain Currey, G G

Private Davison, W
Private Dawson, W
Private Deakin, A
Captain Dickinson, E
Private Dixon, W J
Private Dodds, J
Private Dodds, T
Private Dolan, J
Private Drury, F

2nd Lieutenant Eadon, A M
L/Cpl Earwicker, E W
Private Elliott, J
Private Elliss, G
Serjeant Evans, C E

Private Fenton, J
L/Cpl Fenton, J T
Private Forster, H
Private Forster, J
Corporal Foster, W
Private Fothergill, H
2nd Lieutenant Frank, E
L/Cpl Freeman, W
Private French, J H
Private Frost, G G

Private Gallon, J
Private Gamble, F
Private Gardener, H
L/Cpl Geldart, J
2nd Lieutenant Gifford-Wood, K
Serjeant Gilmore, J
Private Goddard, J
Private Gofton, W
Private Golightly, J
Private Goodenough, R
Private Goodwill, G W
Private Graham, Jos
Private Graham, Jas
Private Gray, D C
Private Green, J
Serjeant Green, W

Private Hadfield, J
Lieutenant Hall, A E
Private Hall, R
Private Hands, T
Private Hanlon, W
Private Harbron, R
Private Hardy, C
Private Hawkins, J
Private Hazel, C
L/Cpl Heath, J H
Private Henley, G
Private Hepburn, P
Private Heptinstall, G
Private Hinchley, G
Private Hindson, G
Private Hodgson, G
Private Hogg, A E
Private Holland, J
Private Horner, E
Private Howe, J S S
Private Hutchinson, G H
Private Hutchinson, J

Private Inglett, E
Private Isaac, F

Private Jackson, T
Private Jacob, N
Private Jefferson, T
L/Cpl Johnson, E
Private Johnson, L A
L/Cpl Jones, S H
Private Jones, T

L/Cpl Keedy, T
Private Keighley, F
Serjeant Kelly, M
Serjeant Kennally, J
Private Kirk, A
Private Kirk, J W
Private Kirtley, R
Private Kirton, J G

Lieutenant Lambert, M B
L/Cpl Lane, W W
L/Cpl Langshaw, H
Private Laws, F
Private Laws, J W
Private Leith, J H
Serjeant Lemmon, W
Corporal Lewis, A E

Private Maddison, T
Private Mann, H
Private Mann, J
Private Manning, W
Private Marlow, J
L/Cpl Marshall, W
Private Mason, A
Private Mather, G
Private Matthews, J
Private Mawdsley, J H
Private McCormick, J
Private McDonough, M
L/Sgt McFadden, W
Private McGee, F
Private McGhann, W
Private McGuire, J
Private McLoughlin, G
Private McQueen, P
Corporal Mercer, T H
2nd Lieut. Messenger, H F R
Private Metcalf, W E
L/Cpl Metcalfe, G
CSM Metcalfe, J H
Private Metcalfe, W
Private Middlemas, R
Private Midgley, J A
Corporal Miller, C B
Corporal Miller, J W
Private Miller, W
Private Mills, T P
L/Cpl Milner, J
Private Mitchell, J R
Private Moore, J G
Private Mordue, M
2nd Lieutenant Morris, S
Private Mumby, J E
L/Cpl Munroe, F
L/Cpl Murphy, W

Private Naylor, S G
Private Noble, H
Serjeant Nye, C C

Private O'Brien, J
Private O'Brien, T
Private O'Rourke, J
L/Cpl Osborne, R E

Private Page, J P
Private Palmer, W G
Private Palmer, G
Private Parker, H
Private Parkin, W
Private Parkinson, J A
Corporal Phoenix, A
Private Pickering, W
Private Pottage, J
Private Pow, R W
Private Pybus, H

Corporal Rackstraw, J
L/Cpl Readman, J
Private Richardson, J
Corporal Rigg, T W
Private Robe, D
Private Roberts, A
L/Cpl Roberts, T
Private Robinson, G T
Private Robinson, J A
Private Robinson, J C
Corporal Robson, A
L/Cpl Robson, A
Private Rocks, H
Private Rollinson, F
Private Rontree, A
Private Rowlands, T F
2nd Lieutenant Rutherford, T W
L/Cpl Ryan, J
Private Ryan, T

L/Cpl Scollett, R
Private Scott, J
Private Seery, J
Private Sellers, R W
Private Shane, T
Private Shepherd, J H
L/Serjeant Shields, D
Private Sill, J M
Major Sillery, J J D
CSM Simpson, R
Private Smith, E
L/Cpl Smith, J
Private Smith, T
Private Snowden, J
Private Spence, T
Private Stephenson, E
L/Cpl Stephenson, J
Private Stephenson, T W
L/Cpl Stewart, J
L/Cpl Stone, J
Private Storey, H
Serjeant Stratford, A
Private Stringer, J T
Serjeant Stuart, A
Private Stubley, J J

L/Cpl Taylor, M
Private Telford, W
Private Thomas, W
Private Thompson, J
L/Sgt Townsend, L
Private Tumilty, J

Private Uren, R

Private Walker, T
Private Walker, J W
Private Walker, J
L/Cpl Ward, A
Private Wardle, N
Private Warne, C J
Private Watson, E
Private Watson, J K
Private Watson, W O
Corporal Webb, J
Private Webber, J
Private Webster, J R
Private Wells, S L
Private Wheatley, R W
Private White, E
2nd Lieutenant White, J F
L/Cpl Whitfield, H C
2nd Lieutenant Whitworth, C E
Private Wilkin, A
Private Wilson, C E
Private Wilson, G
Lieutenant Wilson, I M
Private Wilson, J J
Private Winn, M
Private Wood, W
L/Cpl Woodhams, A T
CSM Wright, C

The Wall on the Helles Memorial on Which the Names of Soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment Are to be FoundThe Wall on the Helles Memorial on Which the Names of Soldiers of the Yorkshire Regiment Are to be Found
(Panels are on either side of the light-coloured panel)
Photo : Edward Nicholl

The Dedication on the Helles MemorialThe Dedication on the Helles Memorial
Photo : Edward Nicholl

The Panel with Descriptive Information About the Helles MemorialThe Panel with Descriptive Information About the Helles Memorial
Select the Above Image for a Larger Sized one which opens in a New Window
Photo : Edward Nicholl

Panel Commemorating Officers (1)
Panel Commemorating Officers (2), CSMs, Serjeants & Lance Corporals (1)
Panel Commemorating Serjeants, Corporals, Lance Corporals (2),& Privates A - B
Panel Commemorating Officers (1)
Panel Commemorating Officers (2),
CSMs, Serjeants & Lance Corporals (1)
Panel Commemorating Serjeants,
Corporals, Lance Corporals (2),
& Privates A - B
Panel Commemorating Privates B - C & G - H
Panel Commemorating

Panel Commemorating
Privates B - C & G - H

Panel Commemorating
Privates C - G & H - M
Panel Commemorating
Privates M - P & S - W
Panel Commemorating
Privates P - R & W

Location of the Yorkshire Regiment Panels on the Helles Memorial
Location of the Yorkshire Regiment Panels on the Helles Memorial
(Plan : Commonwealth War Graves Commission website )

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